About Me

I am a mother of four young children in suburban Chicago. My second child, John, was diagnosed at age one with severe dairy, egg, peanut, tree nut and legume allergy. He also is asthmatic, so the likelihood of a life threatening reaction from food is increased. I spent a few years learning the ins and outs of food labels, ingredient and product information, and most importantly, how to cook and bake for not only my son, but for the rest of my family as well.

It has become my life’s purpose to raise awareness and increase funding for food allergy research. I am passionate about not only keeping my son safe, but alive. A food allergy diagnosis is scary; it is the fear of the unknown that keeps us moms of food allergic children awake at night. Class parties, birthday parties, family celebrations, skate night, or even date night…these are all things I think about in regard to my son. How will he adapt? Will he be responsible? Will he succumb to peer pressure and not take his allergies seriously? These are all things I think about often, and I am sure you do too.

This blog is about sharing useful information, swapping safe recipes and sometimes just a place to speak and vent. Here’s to someday finding a cure! I love your ideas and feedback, and welcome it. Thanks so much!

14 responses to “About Me

  1. Stacey

    What you’re doing is wonderful and we love you.

  2. The site looks great! Thanks for sharing your great ideas.

  3. Tracy Kearney

    Kelly –

    It was great to hear from you! This looks fantastick and it is so clear that you have out so much work into this. I for one, would absolutely support a school wide policy asking that in-school birthday parties be “treat free” celebrations. I too would never want to ban food, etc. as I believe our children do live in a larger world that we cannot control, therefore they just need to be a little bit stronger and wiser and be aware of their conditions when making food choices. PASS 39, the Parent Association for Students who receive Special Services in District 39, may be a nice place for you to talk about this inniative and potentially get it passed. They typically meet the Third Monday of every month at 5:30pm at the MEC – the Schhol Board Meeting follows. Denise Thrasher, the Administrator for Student Services, attends all od these meetings. Thanks for all your work Kelly – look forward to seeing you soon!


  4. Tina Lundberg


    You are awesome for doing this!

    Your stories about John and Sabrina’s story touched me so much…I have now cry with you and families that are dealing with food allergies because of your blog. I don’t know enough about food allergies, but have been enlightened to learn because of you.


  5. Great job, Kelly! Your site is very informative, interesting, and personal. I value the useful creative tips and recipes. My daughter has a good friend who is allergic to gluten and nuts, and now I feel I can offer delicious and healthy snacks during their playdates.
    Take care!
    Ann Marie

  6. chrissy

    So proud of you! Finally!!!

  7. Brooke Loy


    I love your website! I can’t wait to make those pumpkin cookies. They look delicious! I look forward to visiting your site again for some more exciting recipes. Desserts I know I can eat and enjoy and not feel the pain afterwards. Thanks for sharing!


  8. Welcome to the blogosphere! Your recipes look and sound delicious. I can’t wait to try them!

    All the best to you and your family. Here’s to keeping safe.

  9. I added you as a link on my blog.

    My web site with milk nut and gluten free lists http://www.avoidingmilkprotein.com

  10. Amy Scoggins

    My friend just sent me the link to your blog. It is great! My almost 6-year-old son is also allergic to dairy, egg and peanuts. I look forward to your future posts!

  11. kellyrudnicki

    Thanks Amy! I feel your pain, as our children share the same allergies. I will be posting many more recipes from my forthcoming baking cookbook. I love feedback so feel free to drop me a line to let me know how it worked out for you!

  12. Hi there!

    I just discovered your site. Lots of great info and advice… can’t wait to read more. My two year old son has allergies to eggs, peanuts, oats, dogs and cats. It has been an interesting adjustment, to say the least.

    There’s so much I have learned since he was diagnosed… and so much more that I need to know. I still get panicky thinking about him in school someday and having to make those decisions on his own.

    Thanks for sharing this. I am going to add you to my list, if you don’t mind, šŸ˜‰


  13. kellyrudnicki


    Thanks so much for your feedback; I promise I will have a lot more information and delicious dairy, egg and nut free recipes. It was really hard when I started the journey toward allergen free living nearly six years ago but so much has improved in regard to schools’ awareness, food labeling laws and new allergy free products. Yesterday an AP article pointed out there has been an 18 percent increase in children with food allergies. This is astounding and we need to work together to raise awareness and increase federal funding so someday our children can eat freely. I look forward to adding your blog to list too! Thanks again!

  14. Evyn & Ezzie's mom

    I just came across your webiste. It is so nice to find these and have the ability to see how others live with food allergies. My daughter is 3 and she was diagnosed with severe milk/egg/nut allergies. My son is 7 and has an egg allergy. I have learned to live with the egg allergy but the milk/dairy one is hard. My daughter has yet to eat candy and enjoy life to it’s fullest. I enjoy coming on here and learning new things. Thanks.

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